2012 är året som mitt stora äventyr börjar. Jag skall åka till USA för att jobba som Au Pair i ett år, det skall bli grymt kul och spännande. Följ med mig på min resa som förhoppningsvis kommer att bli AWESOME! :)

I'm driving one of your cars!

Kategori: Allmänt

Vi kör ett inlägg på engelska nu då, för att variera mig lite :)
Woked up around 12 and everybody was soo tired and hungover ( but that's another story )
Took the car to get som gas and then went to T.G.I.F to have som breakfast/lunch. 
Orderd a appetizer and entree for 10 dollars but I was full on the appetizer. I know. Craaaazy!
Went to Starbucks for some dessert ( a hot chocolate )
Then we rambled around for a while and then ended up in the car again to sit there for half an hour before we decided to drive. Whit no direction in mind we drove around before Erna took us on a secret mission. The funny thing was that she didn't really knew where we were going, but we found it at last. It was a farm where there was horses, lamas, mules and sheep :) But it was closed :(
Then we where suposed to find a bowling alley but we ended up at a house. Very strange was that! So we decided that we would go to the cinema and see if there was a movie to see. Just because neither of us wanted to go home. So we watched "the perks of being a wallflower" A good but very very strange movie I must say.
Then I droped of Adelina and Erna and now it's time to get some sleep cause it's work tomorrow!
A random statue outside a church at Boston University!
Over and Out!


  • mamma säger:

    Ni verkar ha en bra planering inför helgen ;) Tur att ni blev nöjda och det var en bra film ni såg till slut. Hoppas du fick sova gott så du orkade med ditt krävande arbete dagen efter ;) love

    2012-10-25 | 06:46:12

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